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Showing posts with the label Dimension

Dimension Types in Sketches Solidworks

When you selected the Smart Dimension tool in the shortcut bar while creating the sketch, you may have noticed that there were a few more dimension types Cr e a t e a B a s e E x t r u s io n 9 5 available. The Smart Sketch dimension type will be the type you will use most of the time, but it still wouldn’t hurt to become familiar with all the dimension types:  Smart Dimension. The Smart Dimension tool will be your most used tool when defining sketch elements. Smart Dimension automatically selects the dimension type that will be used based on the sketch entities that are selected. Not only does Smart Dimension determine the dimension type based on the type of entity selected, but it also can choose another dimension type, such as angles and point-to-point dimensions, based on where you place the dimensions.  Horizontal Dimension. The Horizontal Dimension tool creates a dimension where the dimension line is horizontal and the extension lines are vertical regardless of the entit...

The Sketch toolbar linear Smart Dimension

Sketch on Solidworks is not much different from sketching on other CAD programs, it's just that if we make sketches on sketching solidworks take precedence then the size is determined using the smart dimension toolbar, this toolbar functions to give size / dimensions to the sketch that we make, both linear, angular, radius, diameter, and aligned. In the following section, I first identify the default buttons on the Sketch toolbar, followed by the rest of the entities that you can access by choosing Tools ➪ Customize ➪ Commands ➪ Sketch. Sketch opens and closes sketches. You may notice that the name of the button changes depending on if the sketch is open or closed. If you preselect a plane or planar face and then click the Sketch button, SolidWorks opens a new sketch on the plane or face. If you preselect a sketch before clicking the Sketch button, SolidWorks opens this sketch. If you preselect an edge or curve feature before clicking the Sketch button, SolidWorks automatically ...